
The Institute for Molecular Medicine


What's New

For What's New in the Molecular Immunology Department: Go to Immunology Department

  • 12/15/2017, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited lecture at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada entitled: Beneficial effects of hydrogenized water on human biomarkers for antioxidants, glucose uptake, glutamate toxicity and anti-aging.

  • 11/19/2017, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered a special lecture at the Academy of Nutritional Medicine (United Kingdom) annual meeting on The Emergence of 21st Century Acquired Immune Deficiencies and Innovative Solutions in London, England on Membrane Therapies for the 21st Century entitled: Targeting Membrane and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Complex Chronic Diseases.

  • 1/20/2017 and 1/23/17, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered special lectures on the Use of molecular hydrogen (hydrogenized water) for health and disease at the Naturally Plus Hydrogen Conference in Seattle, Washington and Las Vegas, NV.

  • 12/13/2016, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered a special lecture at the Institute for Medical Research in Tokyo, Japan entitled: Membrane Fluid-Mosaic structure and the use of Membrane Lipid Replacement for repairing membrane damage and reducing symptoms in chronic illnesses.

  • 12/12/2016, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered a special lecture at Juntendo University in Tokyo, Japan entitled: Membrane Lipid Replacement for repairing membrane damage, enhancing mitochondrial function and reducing symptoms in aging and chronic disease.

  • 11/10-11/2016, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered the Conference presentation at the Naturally Plus National Conference on Hydrogen Medicine in Osaka, Japan entitled: Hydrogen medicine in health and disease.

  • 11/4-6/2016, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered a presentation at the Naturally Plus Regional Conference on Hydrogen Medicine in Honolulu, Hawaii entitled: Hydrogen medicine and the use of hydrogenized water for chronic illnesses and aging.

  • 6/15-16/2016, Prof. Garth Nicolson, Conference Co-Chairman, delivered the Keynote presentation at the International Conference on Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain entitled: Membrane Lipid Replacement with glycerolphospholipids to restore mitochondrial function and reduce fatigue and pain in CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia patients. Professor Nicolson also delivered a session presentation entitled: Role of chronic intracellular bacterial and viral infections in Fibromyalgia.

  • 4/9-10/1/2016, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered the Conference Keynote presentation at the Naturally Plus Regional Conference on Hydrogen Medicine in Seattle, Washington entitled: Hydrogen medicine and the use of hydrogenized water for chronic health conditions.

  • 3/25/2016, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited lecture at the Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease: Science and Practice in San Diego, CA entitled: Membrane Lipid Replacement with glycerolphospholipids protected with fructooligosaccharides to restore mitochondrial function and reduce fatigue, pain, gastrointestinal and other symptoms in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.

  • 11/30-12/1/2015, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered the Conference Keynote presentation at the 2015 International Conference on Lipid Science and Technology in San Francisco, California entitled: Lipid Replacement Therapy for enhancing mitochondrial function and improving symptoms of chronic illnesses and aging.

  • 10/17-18/2015, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered two invited Special Lecture presentations at the Faculty of Medicine, University of the Republic of Uruguay entitled: (1) Cell membranes and the Fluid-Mosaic Membrane Model; and (2) Chronic infections in fatiguing illnesses, neurodegenerative and neurobehavioral diseases.

  • 10/15/2015, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered the Keynote Lecture at the Uruguayan Conference of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology entitled: The Fluid-Mosaic Model of membrane structure and it’s importance in health and chronic disease.

  • 9/15-18/2015, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited symposium presentation at the 2015 18th International Conference on Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease at Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA entitled: Lipid Replacement Therapy with a glycerolphospholipid formulation: Enhancement of human spermatozoa motility and viability.

  • 7/25/2015, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited presentation at the International Conference of Naturally Plus USA entitled: The science and uses of hydrogen water: it’s importance in chronic diseases.

  • 6/10/2015, Prof. Michael Agadjanyan received a multi-institutional UO1 grant from the National Institutes of Health on Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Development Program for several million dollars.

  • 5/30-31/2015, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered two invited symposium presentations at the 2015 Norvect Conference in Oslo, Norway entitled: (1) Chronic bacterial infections in neurodegenerative and neurobehavioral diseases and other chronic illnesses, and (2) Loss of mitochondrial function in chronic illnesses and infectious diseases: treatment with Lipid Replacement Therapy.

  •  5/08-10/2015, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited symposium presentation at the 2015 International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society Conference in Augsburg, Germany entitled: Lipid Replacement Therapy with NTFactor and ATP Fuel: reduction of fatigue and restoration of mitochondrial function in Lyme and associated diseases.

  • 11/18-19/2014, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited presentation at the International Conference on Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease in San Diego, California entitled: Update of the Fluid-Mosaic Model of Membrane Structure: it’s importance in chronic diseases.

  • 7/18-20/2014, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited keynote presentation at the 2014 International Conference on membranes and Health in Quito, Ecuador entitled: The Fluid-Mosaic Model of Membrane Structure: an update and current research.

  • 6/15-15/2014, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited presentation at the 2014 Lipopharma Conference on Lipids in Medicine in Madrid, Spain entitled: Lipid Replacement Therapy in chronic diseases.

  • 5/28-30/2014, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited symposium presentation at the 2014 Institute for Functional Medicine in San Francisco, California entitled: Lipid Replacement Therapy with NTFactor and ATP Fuel: reduction of fatigue and restoration of mitochondrial function in chronic diseases.

  • 5/02-04/2014, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited symposium presentation at the 2014 Biological Medicine Conference on Healing Lyme Disease in Bellevue, Washington entitled: Lyme-associated infections and Lipid Replacement Therapy.

  • 3/20-23/2014, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered a presentation at the International Association of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME biannual conference in San Francisco, California entitled: Lipid Replacement Therapy using NTFactor, NADH and CoQ10 significantly reduces fatigue and improves mitochondrial function in long-term intractable chronic fatiguing illnesses.

  • 1/24-26/2014, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited symposium presentation at the IV Therapies Integrative Oncology 2014 in Costa Mesa, California. Presentation Title: Cancer Fatigue and Lipid Replacement Therapy.

  • 9/25-29/2013, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited symposium presentation at International Conference on Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine in Portland, Oregon. Presentation Title: The role of chronic infections in mitochondrial dysfunction and the importance of combined antimicrobial therapy and nutritional interventions.

  • 9/16-20/2013, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited symposium presentation at the Institute for Functional Medicine, Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Presentation Title: Lipid Replacement Therapy and mitochondrial function: membrane glycerophospholipid formulation with NADH and CoQ10 significantly reduces fatigue in long-term intractable chronic fatiguing illnesses and chronic Lyme disease.

  • 8/20-22/2013, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered a keynote lecture at the 14th International Conference on Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds in the Management of Inflammation, UCLA, Los Angeles, California. Presentation Title: Lipid Replacement Therapy: a Functional Food Approach for Reducing Fatigue and the Adverse Effects of Antimicrobial Therapy in Fatiguing Illnesses and Chronic Lyme Disease.

  • 6/6-10/2013, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered the keynote presentation at the 10th International Congress on Natural Medicine, Melbourne, Australia. Presentation Title: The role of chronic bacterial and viral infections in neurodegenerative, neurobehavioral and other chronic diseases. 2nd Presentation: Lipid Replacement Therapy-a functional food approach to reduce fatigue and oxidative damage and restore mitochondrial function in chronic illnesses, infections and cancer.

  • 5/12-15/2013, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered a plenary address at the 10th Annual Natural Health Products Research Conference, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Presentation Title: Blood homocysteine levels are significantly reduced with Lipid Replacement Therapy: relevance to patients with chronic diseases.

  • 4/25-26/2013, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered a special address at the Integrative Cancer Medicine: Clinical Applications of Cancer Strategies in Scottsdale, Arizona. Presentation Title: Cancer-associated fatigue and nutraceutical approaches for reducing cancer-associated fatigue and the adverse effects of cancer therapy while restoring mitochondrial function.

  • 4/18-20/2013, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered a special address at Best Answer for Cancer Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas. Presentation Title: Cancer-associated fatigue and cancer treatment fatigue and treatment with natural medicine.

  • 2/16-17/2013, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered a special address at the Oncology Natural Physicians Conference (OncNPC) in Phoenix, Arizona. Presentation Title: Lipid Replacement Therapy: a functional food approach for reducing cancer-associated fatigue and the adverse effects of cancer therapy.

  • 12/13-15/2012, Prof. Garth Nicolson delivered an invited symposium address at the 20th World Congress on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Las Vegas, Nevada. Presentation Title: Lipid Replacement Therapy: an anti-aging membrane glycophospholipid formulation with NADH and CoQ10, significantly reduces fatigue in long-term intractable chronic fatiguing illnesses and chronic Lyme disease.

  • 10/06/12. At the Royal Society of Medicine in London, England Prof. Garth Nicolson will present the keynote address in a special international seminar entitled: Mitochondrial Repair—Resolution of Fatigue.

  • 08/21/12-08/23/12. At the 11th International Functional Foods and Chronic Inflammation Conferen:e at the University of San Diego Prof. Garth Nicolson will present a paper entitled: Blood homocysteine levels are significantly reduced with a glycophospholipid formulation plus vitamin B-complex: a retrospective study in older subjects.

  • 07/14/12-07/19/12. At the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) in Vancouver, Canada, Dr. H. Davtyan presented a paper entitled: ‘Refinement of DNA based Alzheimer’s disease epitope vaccine in rabbits'.

  • 05/22/12-05/25/12. At the 9th Natural Health Product Research Conference in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, Prof. Garth Nicolson presented the keynote address entitled: Lipid Replacement Therapy: a functional food approach for reducing cancer-associated fatigue and the adverse effects of cancer therapy. Dr. Nicolson also presented the paper entitled: Lipid Replacement Therapy, a glycophospholipid formulation with NTFactor, NADH and CoQ10, significantly reduces fatigue in long-term intractable chronic fatiguing illnesses and chronic Lyme Disease.

  • 04/19/12. At the Alzheimer’s Association 1st Brainwaves Research Symposium in Santa Barbara, Dr. H. Davtyan presented a paper entitled: ‘Multiple approaches to immunotherapy against Alzheimer’s disease’.

  • 03/13/12-03/15/12. At the 10th International Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds Conference at the University of California, Santa Barbara Dr. Rita Ellithorpe presented a paper entitled: Lipid Replacement Therapy using ATP Fuel, a glycophospholipid formulatio with NTFactor, NADH and CoQ10, significantly reduces fatigue in long-term intractable chronic fatiguing illnesses and chronic Lyme Disease.

  • 03/07/12. At the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii Prof. Garth Nicolson presented the Yanagimachi Destinguished Lecture entitled: Reducing cancer-associated fatigue and the adverse effects of cancer therapy using Lipid Replacement Therapy.

  • 10/28/2011. Prof. Garth Nicolson will chair a session and deliver a special lunchtime lecture at the 2011 International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society Conference in Toronto, Canada. The title of his presentation is: Recent Clinical Trials Using Lipid Replacement Therapy to Improve Mitochondrial and Membrane Function. rtf_doc

  • 09/28/2011. Prof. Garth Nicolson will make a presentation at the 2011 International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephlamyelitis Conference in Ottawa, Canada. The title of his presentation is: Lipid Replacement Therapy: a Nutraceutical Approach for Reducing Cancer-Associated Fatigue and the Adverse Effects of Therapy. rtf_doc

  • 08/16/2011. Prof. Garth Nicolson will chair a session and deliver the keynote lecture at the 9th International Conference on Functional Foods Components for Health and Disease at the University of San Diego, San Diego, California. The title of his presentation is: Lipid Replacement Therapy: Functional Food Formulation with NTFactor for Reducing Weight, Girth, Body Mass, Appetite and Fatigue While Improving Cardiovascular Blood Lipid Profiles. rtf_doc

  • 07/12/11-07/14/11. At the International Society of DNA Vaccines 'DNA Vaccines 2011' Conference in San Diego, Dr. A. Ghochikyan presented a paper entitled: ‘Refinement of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) DNA Vaccine Efficacy by Targeting Pre-Existing Memory Th Cells Generated from Conventional Vaccines or Infections’.

  • 04/28/2011. Prof. Garth Nicolson will deliver an invited lecture at the 18th International Symposium on Functional Medicine: The Challenge of Emerging Infections in the 21st Century: Terrain, Tolerance and Susceptibility in Seattle, WA. The title of the presentation is: Mycoplasmas and other chronic intracellular infections in the 21st century. rtf_doc

  • 04/09/2011. Prof. Garth Nicolson will deliver an invited lecture at the iMosaic Combined American Academy for Environmental Medicine -- American College for Advancement in Medicine -- American Holistic Medical Association -- International College of Integrative Medicine Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The title of his presentation is: Lipid Replacement Therapy with a Glycophospholipid-Antioxidant-Vitamin Formulation Significantly Reduces Fatigue Within One Week in Chronic Fatigued Patients: Implications for Neurodegenerative, Neurobehavioral and Fatiguing Illnesses. rtf_doc

  • 04/04/2011. Prof. Garth Nicolson will deliver a lecture at the 6th International Academy on Nutrition and Aging in Bologna, Italy. The title of his presentation is: Lipid Replacement Therapy: a nutraceutical approach for reducing cancer-associated fatigue and the adverse effects of cancer therapy. rtf_doc

  • 03/14/2011. Prof. Garth Nicolson will chair a session and deliver a special lecture at the 8th International Conference on Functional Foods for Chronic Disease: Its Science and Practice in Las Vegas, Nevada. The title of his presentation is: Lipid Replacement Therapy: a Functional Food Approach for Reducing Cancer-Associated Fatigue and the Adverse Effects of Cancer Therapy. rtf_doc

  • 03/09/11-03/13/11. At the 10th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease (AD/PD) in Barcelona, Spain, IMM was selected for two lectures. Dr. M. Agadjanyan presented a paper entitled: 'Alzheimer’s Disease Epitope Vaccine'. And Dr. A. Ghochikyan presented a paper entitled: ‘A Novel Strategy for Generation of Effective and Safe Alzheimer's Disease Vaccine Based on Conventional Influenza Virus Vaccine Modified to Express A1-10’.

  • 10/09/2010. Prof. Garth Nicolson will deliver a special lunchtime lecture at the 9th California Naturopathic Doctors Association on Immune Dysfunction: Its Role in Lyme Disease, Cancer, Allergy and Beyond in Los Angeles, California. The title of his presentation is: Restoring Mitochondrial Health - the key to improving energy output. rtf_doc

  • 10/03/2010.  Prof. Garth Nicolson will deliver an invited lecture at the 2nd Annual International Cancer Fatigue Symposium in Monreal, Canada. The title of the presentation is: Lipid Replacement Therapy: a nutraceutical approach for reducing cancer-associated fatigue and the adverse effects of cancer therapy rtf_doc

  • 09/24/2010. Prof. Garth Nicolson was asked to make a special invited presentation at the 53rd Conference of the International College of Integrated Medicine in Buffalo, New York. The theme of the conference is INFECTIONS. The title of his presentation is: Lyme-Associated Infections in Neuro-degenerative and Neurobehavioral Diseases and Fatiguing Illnesses: Why Physicians are not up to Speed on Chronic Infections.  rtf_doc

  • 07/26/2010. Prof. Garth Nicolson was asked to make an invited presentation at the 2010 International Academy on Nutrition and Aging symposium in Santa Ana, New Mexico. The title of his presentation was: Lipid replacement therapy with a glycophospholipid-antioxidant-vitamin formulation significantly reduces fatigue within one week in chronic fatigued patients. rtf_doc

  • 07/19/2010. Prof. Garth Nicolson was asked to make an invited presentation at a National Institutes of Health Conference on Pediatric Autoimune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections in Bethesda, Maryland at the NIH camus. The title of his presentation was: The Role of Mycoplasmal Infections in Pediatric Neurobehavioral Disorders.

  • 07/10/10-07/15/10. Dr. H. Davtyan presented a paper entitled: 'Exploiting prime-boost regimen and various delivery strategies to improve Alzheimer's Disease DNA vaccine efficacy' at the International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease (ICAD) in Honolulu, Hawaii.

  • 04/17/10-07/21/10. At the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) the 101st Annual Meeting: Conquering Cancer Through Discovery Research, in Washington DC, our late breaking abstract (on pre-clinical research) was chosen along with only five other works as a part of a Media Outreach Press Conference, with the other four being clinical studies. Dr. Agadjanyan presented his paper entitled 'A Multidisciplinary Approach to Cancer Detection and Treatment: What's On the Horizon', on Sunday, April 18th, 2010. The study outlined the abstract entitled 'A novel cancer-testis antigen, BORIS based vaccine delivered by Dendritic Cells is effective against metastatic disease', submitted by IMM research groups in collaboration with various groups (the UCI Immunology Institute, NIAID Immunopathology Laboratory, and group from the Institute of Immunology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences).

  • 03/02/10-03/04/10. At the International Society of DNA Vaccines 4th 'DNA Vaccines 2010' Conference: Expanding Applications of the DNA Vaccine Platform - Novel Research and Clinical Advancement in New Orleans, Louisiana, IMM was selected for two lectures. Dr. M. Agadjanyan gave a talk entitled: 'DNA Vaccine Based on Cancer-Testis Antigen, BORIS and IL21 Molecular Adjuvant in Extremely Effective For Treatment of Metastatic Disease'. And Dr. Ghochikyan gave a talk entitled: 'Improvement of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) DNA Vaccine Efficacy by DNA Prime/Protein Boost Regimen in Mice and Rabbits'.

  • 10/10/2009. Dr. Nicolson was asked to make a symposium presentation at the Klinghardt Conference on Lyme and other Chronic Infections Conference in Seattle, Washington October 10, 2009. The title of his presentation was “Lyme Disease Co-Infections, Neurodegenerative and Neurobehavioral Diseases, Oxidative Damage and Lipid Replacement of Damaged Cellular Membranes.” rtf_doc

  • 07/11/09-07/16/09. At the International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease (ICAD) in Vienna, Austria Dr. A. Ghochikyan gave a talk entitled: 'Induction of rapid and robust anti-Aβ antibody production by reactivation of pre-existing memory Th cells generated from conventional vaccines'.

  • 03/11/09-03/15/09. At the 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease (AD/PD): Advances, Concepts and Challenges in Prague, Czech Republic, Dr. A. Ghochikyan gave a talk entitled: 'Third generation epitope vaccine (EV):A new Strategy for amyloid betta (Ab) immunotherapy'.

  • 09/15/08. The Institute for Molecular Medicine has been given a 5-star rating in molecular biology by eiNET Librarians, the highest ranking given to centers of excellence in molecular biology. eiNET.net utilizes a team of skilled Internet Librarians to scour the Web, locating and categorizing quality content for placement in their applicable categories, resulting in a large breadth of topics and an impressive depth of content within the directory. Employing this process, eiNET.net has grown to one of the Web's largest directories, containing nearly 2,000,000 listings across nearly 700,000 categories. rtf doc

  • 11/04/01 The Institute for Molecular Medicine releases information and letters to the Department of Defense on the alleged sabotage of an independent study on the incidence of chronic infections in Gulf War Illnesses.

  • 03/25/00 VA confirms Nicolsons' data on chronic infections in Gulf War Illness patients.

  • 03/08/00 Dr. Nancy Nicolson appointed to U.S. Congress Business Council.

  • 02/08/00 Congressman Bob Filner's testimony to the NIH Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    Coordinating Committee

    Letter dated 4 April 1999


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